Hi All,

For the month of February, there will be NO regularly scheduled NSA Boston Adult Chapter Zoom meeting… INSTEAD we have an awesome opportunity to go to a comedy show to celebrate disability awareness, featuring the NSA’s own stuttering comedian, Nina G (ninagcomedian.com)! Harvard is hosting the Comedians with Disabilities Act (comedianswithdisabilitiesact.com) and the event is open to the public. Nina G shared the invite with us and we’d love to have a strong NSA showing at the event!

The event is on Thursday, February 8th at 6 PM at Harvard Commons in the Smith Campus Center – 1350 Massachusetts Ave. – Cambridge. The comedy show is an hour long and then there is a reception there afterwards. We thought that we could go out for drinks and snacks somewhere in Harvard Square after the show!

If you aren’t able to join us in person, there’s also an opportunity to watch the comedy show via Zoom!

If you’re interested in attending, either in-person or online, you’ll need to register here: https://harvard.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_XRYLMuawSYaYR8MxRalfLQ#/registration

We’ll all planning to be there and we’d love for you to join us!

~ Sarah, Lisa & Edmund