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We had 16 people at our meeting this evening, with two first timers (welcome Jesse and Emma!). We had about ten members from our chapter attend the National Stuttering Association Annual Conference this past weekend, so most of us were still “riding the high.” Here are some highlights.

1) We spoke about how the message of embracing ourselves and living boldly as stutterers was particularly resonant this year at the conference. (possibly because one of the keynote speakers came from our own chapter 😉

2) A few members spoke about the challenge of changing long-ingrained speaking habits – like using fillers. Emma spoke about how difficult it can be to stop using fillers, even while she is fully aware when they are happening and has a desire to stutter “cleanly.” We all can identify

3) In response to a few people sharing that voluntary stuttering is difficult for them, Kristel shared an idea that helps her. She thinks of fake stuttering as a way to share with her listener that she stutters, and connect with them in a friendly and comfortable way early on in the conversation. This kind of blew my mind, as I usually think about voluntary stuttering as something “that I do for me,” which can make it a little scarier and pressured.

On a sad note, tonight was the last meeting that Katherine P and Jeremy C will attend before they move out to San Francisco this month. They have been such a valuable addition to the Brooklyn stuttering community and will be missed by all. Good luck you guys!! Emma and Jesse, we need you to return next month to fill their massive shoes (just kidding…sorta)

Until next time