We had a great turnout for our first teen group last night!

Two teens, two parents, two mentors, and two SLPs attended. The mentors graciously agreed to be in touch with anyone who would like to stay in touch by email until the next session– thanks guys!

During the meeting, we talked about:

– soccer (turns out we have some rival schools in the group!)
– issues with talking on the phone
– not stuttering when singing
– self-advertising as a person who stutters during job interviews
– school presentations
– how simultaneously annoying and sometimes relieving it can be to have someone finish your sentence for you if stuck in a block (depending on the person)

  one member suggested that if someone interrupts you, you can try to be brave and say “I stutter, don’t do that”
– how many people (teachers, friends, classmates) do not understand what stuttering is and then sometimes mock the stuttering
– how frustrating it can be to know an answer in class and just not be able to say it
– how stress can lead to many ups and downs in stuttering severity…sometimes you think it’s gone forever and BOOM, it’s back!
We also shared copies of the NSA newsletter for families, kids and adults who stutter.

We look forward to seeing another great crew next month on Thursday Oct. 2nd from 5:30-6:30 in the waiting room.

See you then!