This month’s chapter meeting was great, as usual! We started off with introductions and sharing a positive thing that had happened to us in the last month. We then transitioned into a conversation activity, making a list of what group members who stutter feel are the top five most difficult situations to talk in. This gave way to a lot of discussion, with the top five most difficult situations listed being: talking on the telephone, the drive-thru, job interviews, public speaking, and introducing yourself to a new person. Even the other members at the meeting who don’t stutter could relate to feeling more pressure in all of the same situations. Also, a list was made of the easiest talking situations, with our group members who stutter naming skype, talking to friends and family, NSA meetings, talking to pets, and talking to children as the situations where speech is the easiest. Overall, it was very good conversation and we look forward to the next one on April 20th!