Mission Statement
The mission of the Kalamazoo-Western Michigan University Chapter of the National Stuttering Association is to provide people who stutter and those with an interest in stuttering an environment to support one another, learn more about stuttering and socialize in an open and non-judgmental space. Our monthly meetings include a mixture of people who stutter, family members and supporters of people who stutter as well as professionals and students with an interest in stuttering.
Chapter Leader
Stephen Tasko I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Speech Pathology and Audiology at Western Michigan University. I do not stutter myself, but have seen firsthand the benefits of strong peer support in helping people who stutter. When I looked around, I realized there was no local support groups for people who stutter. So, with the help of Kristen Thornton of the Grand Rapids Michigan NSA Chapter, we launched our chapter in 2010 and, with the exception of a short hiatus in 2013, have been meeting in one way or another ever since. When not helping organize our monthly chapter meeting, I spend time with my wife Denise, keep busy raising three energetic boys and, when weather permits, get out on the road for a motorcycle ride!