by Danra Kazenski | Jul 30, 2015 | Recaps
Excellent turnout even on a rainy and steamy summer afternoon! About 25 folks who stutter and Team Stuttering supporters came out for ice cream and great company! We all voluntary stuttered when ordering, and it was a terrific way to wrap up the school-age summer...
by Danra Kazenski | Jul 27, 2015 | Recaps
Our school-age “camp” group came up with this awesome Stutter Board Game as their big summer project! Love that the questions are all about stuttering and the pieces are made of marshmallows! Excited to share their “Did You Know?” sheet about...
by Danra Kazenski | Jul 16, 2015 | Recaps
Check out this audio “taster” of our newest adult member’s Master’s thesis about people who stutter in Long Island. She’ll be able to share more about what she found out at our next meeting, and she’s interested in learning more...
by Danra Kazenski | Jul 16, 2015 | Recaps
Our school-age stuttering summer “camp” families are heading down to Ben & Jerry’s for the last activity of the summer, and we invite all people who stutter in Vermont to come join the fun! We plan to voluntary stutter as we order (parents, kids...