Research Opportunity for Adults who Stutter

We are seeking individuals who stutter and are between the ages of 18 and 30 to participate in a research study on the effect of different speaking situations on the voice. The study will take place in Pomeroy Hall at the University of Vermont and will take about 1...

Spring Support Groups!

Check out support group member, Kyme, on this WCAX news segment from April 8th — way to “go for it” with cameras rolling! She self-advertised as a person who stutters several times too, but it didn’t make the final tv cut. Terrific example of...

February Support Groups!

Folks have been braving the Vermont weather to come to groups, and the conversations have been fantastic! We’ve had one of our school-age members present her science fair project about stigma and people’s perception of people who stutter. Our...

Adult Support Group 1-5-16– Happy New Year!

It was great to catch up with everyone last night after the holiday break! We talked about fireworks, politics, and movies among other things for a relaxing meeting. Fun news is that we now have three copies of Katherine Preston’s book (Out With It: How...

KidsVT Story!!

Here’s another terrific story in this month’s KidsVT by Kyme, a local journalist who stutters, about teens who stutter and our support groups. Go Team Stuttering! Check it out here:  More Than Words: Stuttering Students Turn to Support Groups

Adult Support Group 12-1-15

Happy December! We had a fun group last night, with casual conversation about Star Wars and a new guest! One discussion revolved around whether people prefer being referred to as a “person who stutters” or a “stutterer.” Some folks found it...