Scott Weatherholt was born and raised in Monroe, Mi. about 30 minutes south of Detroit. Living there for 36 years and getting tired of the endless shoveling of snow, Scott and his family decided to take the plunge and venture down to Dallas, Texas in the Fall of 2018. Scott enjoys anything related to outdoors and fitness: long bike rides, mile long ruck hikes and spending time with his wife Emily and his 3 yr old son Landry are just some of his favorites. He has been working in the IT Field for over 18 years with the federal government, state government, and private sector. He currently works in IT at Dallas Methodist Health System. 

Scott has experienced a pretty stressful stuttering life. Growing up in a smaller town, it was unheard of for someone to stutter, and from elementary school to college, Scott was bullied and ridiculed. Unfortunately, Scott’s teachers did not know what to do with him either so they overlooked him when he needed to read out loud, “protecting” him from being mocked from classmates. Not understanding what to do, he found himself hiding his speech impediment and his emotions behind a smile, but now he recognizes that it just made him bitter and angry. Scott has challenged himself by joining the military and putting himself in situations that enable him to speak, but despite many successful experiences he still struggles with accepting himself for who he is and often finds himself hiding his speech.

Between his wife’s encouragement and strength from Jesus, he attended his first NSA meeting in March of 2019. From the very first day he gained hope seeing many other individuals who stutter founding acceptance and how it made a difference in their own life as well as others around them. Now Scott is actively participating in events with the hope of finding acceptance and peace around him. Scott’s goal is to keep putting himself in speaking opportunities by sharing his story and motivating people to never giving up despite their circumstances. Most importantly, to be an inspiration to his 3 yr old son.

If you would like to talk with Scott and the steps he took to overcome extreme trials and tribulations, fill free to contact him at

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