We had a great June meeting and last meeting before the summer! A total of thirteen were in attendance including a guest speaker, Eric Nelson, who joined us to share his expertise on mindfulness meditation. Eric has 30 years of experience in the field of mindfulness, training adults and organizations to maximize wellness, productivity, and interpersonal communication. During introductions, we shared about our favorite summer time activities. Our meeting focused on mindfulness. Eric shared how mindfulness can help us to be fully present in each moment and also help us develop a more resilient, healthy, and peaceful mind. Eric also led us through mindfulness practice, specifically the 6 R’s of mindfulness meditation (recognize, release, relax, resmile, return, and repeat). Throughout the evening, Eric opened up the floor for discussion on mindfulness and stuttering. Overall, it was a great meeting and very interesting for us all! We look forward to seeing you in Fall 2015!

– Hannah