by Marc Winski | Dec 24, 2015 | Recaps
December Recap
Hello all! I Hope everybody is having a happy holiday season. Were you naughty or nice this year? We had 23 people attend our December meeting the other night and we followed up with a few holiday spirits at the bar next door
Out With It
After separating into two groups, one group spoke about the book ‘Out With It.’ ( book is written by a good friend of the midtown NSA chapter, Katherine Preston. One member mentioned that it was a great read because she was able to really identify with each stuttering story that Katherine expressed. Another person mentioned that she couldn’t recall many books on stuttering written by women and it was great to experience that point of view.
For the Kids
It was asked how was the best way to “give back” to help kids? ‘SAY’, ‘FRIENDS’, were recommended as wonderful kids organizations. Sometimes the kids even teach US ways in which to be inspired and to cope with stuttering.
All Over the World
A first timer from Israel gave some wonderful insight on the stuttering groups in Israel. It was wonderful to hear that we are having similar obstacles and stuttering experiences all over the world. It showed that we are definitely not alone in our journeys.
Stay Strong
In the other group we spoke of how to remain resilient and present during and after the “emotional storm” of a difficult speaking situation. Some members described it as an opportunity to practice their meditative skills or other mindfulness techniques.
Misunderstanding Stuttering
Towards the end of the group it was asked “how and why do people misunderstand stuttering?” A few of us weighed in, and we came up with a simple possibility — because it is different. We concluded with the idea that our groups can be a safe place for support AND a starting point for people who stutter to explore and possibly influence the answers to those big questions.
To all of our Stamily (stuttering family), the NSA Midtown wishes you a happy holiday season. Always remember that we are not alone and our community is so strong. It is the passion and joy of our group that makes this possible.